Recycling at the Stables

Recycling at the Stables

Many people make an effort to reduce, reuse, and recycle at home, but it is also something that you can easily implement at the stables, as well; continue reading to learn more.


Why It’s Important

At first, you may wonder why it would be necessary to recycle at the stables. It’s important to keep in mind that single-use plastics make up a large portion of everyday objects in the equestrian industry. This includes:


  • Baling twine
  • Spray bottles
  • Supplement containers
  • Feed or shavings bags
  • Food wrappers or containers
  • Beverage containers (sodas, teas, waters, etc)



The best way to begin your journey towards a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly horse stable is to reduce the use and waste of single-use plastic products. This can be done by:


  • Installing a water fountain, water cooler, or water filter in the tack room/lounge and requiring everyone to bring a reusable bottle to fill and use during their time at the stables
  • Provide a coffee machine and require everyone to bring a reusable mug
  • Order supplies in bulk; in some cases, items like shavings can be delivered by the truckload rather than in individual plastic bags
  • Invest in gallon-sized fly sprays or shampoos to reduce how many small containers are used and thrown away



Resuing items around the stables is a great way to dramatically decrease the amount of waste produced. Here are some ways you can reuse:


  • Repurpose old watering troughs or tractor tires into planters
  • Donate unwanted or unused tack and supplies – or hold a rummage sale and make some extra cash for the stables
  • Invest in repair services for boots or tack rather than tossing them and purchasing new ones
  • Thoroughly wash out dewormer tubes for a handy oral medication dispenser
  • Tie up gallon jugs in the stalls to provide a toy for playful horses
  • Use toothbrushes to clean tack or other small equipment
  • Diapers and sanitary pads can be great for wounds in areas that are hard to dress
  • Reuse twine whenever possible
  • Use broken deep freezers as a seal-tight feed storage bin
  • Reuse feed sacks as garbage bags around the barn



Of course, recycling any plastics or glass that you do use is a great way to reduce waste. Some areas may have curbside pick-up services, while other areas may require you to bring your items to a recycling center. A quick search online should tell you what to expect in your area.


Set up bins all around the stables and actively encourage all individuals on the property to recycle whenever possible. Remember, recycling is a group effort!


Stablebuzz: Best Stable Management Software

With the information you have learned here, you will be well-equipped in your decision to reduce, reuse, and recycle at your horse stables.


When it comes to the administrative management of your stable, Stablebuzz is here to help. Stablebuzz is an intelligent and comprehensive software that is designed to cut your administrative work in half and simplify all aspects of stable management.


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